• Mo - Thu: 9:00 - 15:00 Fri: 9:00 - 12:00


Sampling procedure using the kit

1. Do not eat or drink anything for about an hour before the collection, and do not breastfeed the infant for at least half an hour before the collection.

Note: Check and make sure you are using the correct stick.


Marking of sticks:

mother: red

child: green

marked man: yellow

stick for other persons: blue


2. Open the tube by counter-rotating its two parts along the dashed line; and then pull the part containing the cotton swab stick out of the package.

Note: Always keep only one tube open so that samples cannot be mixed up!


3. Using repeated up-and-down movements (about 10 times), wipe the surface of the inside of the cheek (in the oral cavity), twisting the wand so that the entire surface of the cotton swab stick is covered with the swab.

Note: The cotton swab must not touch anything else, especially not the hands of another person! However, it does not matter if it touches the teeth or tongue of the sampled person.


4. Place the stick together with the corresponding tube, e.g. in a jar, and leave to air dry for at least one hour. Make sure no one touches the swab.

Note: If you cannot dry the sample immediately after collection, place it back in the tube and dry it at the earliest opportunity, no later than 4-5 hours after collection. Well-dried samples will last for several weeks, wet ones will quickly deteriorate.


Warning: In the case of paternity tests, be careful not to confuse the sticks and the corresponding tubes to avoid mixing up samples.


Transport: possible at room temperature.


Post-sampling procedure::

1. Take samples on sampling sticks as described above.

2. Please send samples to our address in the enclosed envelope or deliver in person.

3. Pay the price for the test by deposit or transfer to the Tatrabanka account number IBAN SK11 1100 0000 0026 2170 1853, SWIFT TATRSKBX. Please enter the payment identifier, which you will find in the confirmation email after the order has been placed.

Warning: We cannot identify the payment without the payment identifier. We will not start processing your samples without payment. We will send the invoice after payment is credited to our account.

Non-standard material

General principles for non-standard sampling:

1. Všetko (okrem žuvačky) treba dôkladne vysušiť.
2. Nedotýkať sa tej časti materiálu, z ktorej sa bude získavať DNA.
3. Vzorku označiť – na obal, v ktorom sa materiál zasiela, napísať číslo prípadu a status (označ. muž, dieťa, matka a pod.).
4. Neštandardné vzorky spracúvame len pre testy otcovstva a iných príbuzenských vzťahov.
5. Pri analýze neštandardnej vzorky sa celkový čas môže predĺžiť až o 10 dní.

Unsuitable material for DNA analysis (insufficient quality and/or quantity of DNA, presence of substances preventing analysis, high risk of contamination with another person’s DNA):
1. hair without clearly visible roots (e.g. cut)
2. toothbrush used for less than two weeks
3. used cup, cutlery, straw, teat and similar items
4. items of clothing without visible biological stains


Categories of non-standard material:


1. Bloodstains:

Procedure: bandage, patch, bloody piece of cloth - dry well
Transport: in a paper or plastic envelope, at room temperature
Isolation success rate: 80-90%


2. Sperm:

Procedure: cut out of cloth, if this is not possible, rub the stain with a moistened cotton swab so that the swab soaks up the ejaculate, then dry well
Transport: in a plastic bag, at room temperature
Isolation success rate: 80-90%


3. Swab the mouth on a cotton swab from the drugstore:

Procedure: remove the cotton swab from one end, swab the mouth with the other end and dry thoroughly
Transport: in a plastic bag, at room temperature
Isolation success rate: 80-90%


4. Toothbrush:

Procedure: at least 2 weeks used, dry; brush will be destroyed
Transport: in a plastic or paper bag, at room temperature
Isolation success rate: 75%


5. Chewing gum:

Procedure: must be chewed for a long time; leave to harden in a plastic bag in the refrigerator
Transport: in a plastic bag, at 6-8°C
Isolation success rate: 70%


6. Nasal mucus:

Procedure: on a paper handkerchief, dry properly
Transport: in a plastic bag, at room temperature
Isolation success rate: 70%


7. Cigarette butts:

Procedure: 2 to 4 pieces; remove the burnt end
Transport: in a plastic or paper bag, at room temperature
Isolation success rate: 60%


8. Hair with clearly visible hair roots (“bulbs”):

Procedure: at least 2-3 pieces
Transport: in a plastic bag, at room temperature
Isolation success rate: 60%


9. Nails:

Procedure: freshly cut, especially suitable for children’s nails
Transport: in a plastic bag, at room temperature
Isolation success rate: 50-60%


10. Other biological material - Consult us by phone

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